#12 Where can such a Christian Holy People (the Church) be Found?

Well then, the Children’s Creed teaches us (as was said) that a Christian holy people is to be and to remain on earth until the end of the world. This is an article of faith that cannot be terminated until that which it believes comes, as Christ promises, “I am with you always, to the close of the age” [Matt. 28:20]. But how will or how can a poor confused person tell where such Christian holy people are to be found in this world? Indeed, they are supposed to be in this life and on earth, for they of course believe that a heavenly nature and an eternal life are to come, but as yet they do not possess them. Therefore they must still be in this life and remain in this life and in this world until the end of the world. For they profess, “I believe in another life”; thereby they confess that they have not yet arrived in the other life, but believe in it, hope for it, and love it as their true fatherland and life, while they must yet remain and tarry here in exile—as we sing in the hymn about the Holy Spirit, “As homeward we journey from this exile. Lord, have mercy.” We shall now speak of this.  First, the holy Christian people are recognized by their possession of the holy word of God.  (Luther’s Works, v.41, p.147-148)

Picture:  Noah’s Ark teaches God’s salvation through water, a symbol of baptism, which saved us (1 Peter 3:18-22).

Posted in 2020 Church.