Divine Service for Easter Three May 3 2020

Service Bulletin:  Easter-Three-Divine-Service-for-Online-5-3-2020-1.pdf
Printed Sermon:  SRM1912-Do-Not-Judge-by-Your-Feelings.pdf

0:00  Hymn “Christ Jesus Lay in Death’s Strong Bands”  LW 123, TLH 195
3:35   Service Begins, p.136
10:05  Readings:  Isaiah 40:25-31, 1 Peter 2:11-20, St. John 16:16-22
15:45 Nicene Creed, p.141
17:25  Hymn “With High Delight Let Us Unite” LW 134
20:15  Sermon “Do Not Judge by Your Feelings” John 16:20  (length 17:30 minutes)
37:50  “Create in Me…” LW p.143
38:55  The Prayer of the Church
45:50  Communion Liturgy, p.144
59:30  Service ends

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL)
This post is the audio, if you want the video CLICK HERE –>  Vimeo Video for Easter Three
Note: The Bible class was also recorded and will be available at trinityh.org.

Book of Concord, Bible Class #31: Ap. XIV. Ecclesiastical Order

This Bible study examines Apology, article XIV. Ecclesiastical Order

Quiz #30 (peach sheet): Quiz-30-for-May-3-2020-Apology-XVIII-XIX.pdf
Text of the Apology XIV: Apology-XIV-Ecclesiastical-Order.pdf

Review Text of the Apology XVIII for quiz 30:  Apology-XVIII-Free-Will.pdf
Review Text of the Apology XIX for quiz 30:  Apology-XIX-Of-the-Cause-of-Sin.pdf

Note 1: A Matins service was also video recorded and is available at trinityh.org, under the tab, Sermons
Note 2: This is the audio only post.  The vimeo video is also available.   Click here –>  Vimeo Video for Class #31

Divine Service for Sts. Philip and James May 1 2020

Service Bulletin:  St-Philip-and-St-James-2016.pdf
Printed Sermon:  SRM1911-No-Separation-Between-Jesus-and-the-Father.pdf

0:00  Hymn “Christ Jesus Lay in Death’s Strong Bands”  LW 123, TLH 195
3:00   Service Begins
9:10  Readings:  Malachi 3:16-18, Ephesians 2:19-22, St. John 14:1-14
13:30 Nicene Creed
15:10  Hymn “You are the Way; to You Alone” LW 283
22:30  Sermon “No Separation between Jesus and Father” John 14:9 (length 11 minutes)
29:00  “Create in Me…” LW p.143
29:50  The Prayer of the Church
35:45  Communion Liturgy
49:00  Service ends

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL)
This post is the audio, if you want the video CLICK HERE –>  Vimeo Video for Divine Service
Note: The Bible class was also recorded and will be available at trinityh.org.