#43 The Cause of Our Suffering is Not Sin, But Holding to the Word of God

Moreover, the cause of our suffering is the same as that for which all the saints have suffered from the beginning. Of course the whole world must bear witness that we are not suffering because of public scandal or vice, such as adultery, fornication, murder, etc. Rather we suffer because we hold to the Word of God, preach it, hear it, learn it, and practice it. And since this is the cause of our suffering, so let it always be; we have the same promise and the same cause for suffering which all the saints have always had. So we too can comfort ourselves with the same promise and cling to it in our suffering and tribulation, as is highly necessary. (Luther’s Works, v.51, p.200-201)

Apoc. 14 v. 6.7 [2nd Chronika / Chronicles]
I saw an angel fly in the midst of the hill, which had an everlasting Gospel to announce, who sits and dwells on earth and speaks with great pleasure, fear God and pray in the glory.

[All of the pictures for this year’s posts are from an etching entitled “Augsburg Confession” by Wenceslaus Hollar (1607-1677) and found in the Royal Collection Trust.]

Posted in 2021 Persecution.