Before the Holy Communion 8.

TRUSTING only in Thy mercy, O Lord, Jesus, I draw near: sick that Thou mayest heal me, hungry that Thou mayest feed me, thirsty that Thou mayest give me drink, poor and needy that Thou mayest relieve me, desolate to my kind Comforter.

But whence is this to me that Thou shouldest come unto me and give Thyself to me? How shall I appear before Thee, how canst Thou come to me a sinner?

Thou knowest, O good Lord, that I have no good thing in me to deserve this mercy: I confess my unworthiness, I acknowledge Thy goodness, I give Thee thanks for Thy mercy, I praise Thee for Thine exceeding love.

Since, therefore, it is Thy will, since Thou hast said, “Come unto Me,” I come, O Lord; let not my sins move Thee to reject me; be it unto me according to Thy Word; for there is none other Name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved, but Thine, O most blessed Lord and Saviour.

And whatsoever is wanting unto me, do Thou, O most merciful Jesus, vouchsafe to supply out of the riches of Thy merits, Thy pains and labors, Thy bitter death, whereby Thou hast redeemed me, Who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen. (Oremus, 1925, p.143).

Posted in 2020 Prayers.