#54 The Lord Does Not Want Us to Despair Because of Our Sinfulness

In this world there will always be such a difference in regard to person, standing and gifts, so that the one will be more highly esteemed than the other. Yet on that account we are not unequal before God. And because nothing is recognized before Him except grace, why should anyone be permitted to boast and to be proud? All should humbly recognize the fact that God is the same, notwithstanding the difference in us; He has the same eye upon the poor as upon the rich. Therefore all should learn to trust in God’s mercy and grace. Both the righteous and the sinner, the rich and the poor, the strong and the feeble, are in the hands of God. Whatever they possess, they have received from Him. Of themselves they have nothing but sin. Hence no one should exalt himself over others, but all should fear God and be humble. For everything good is a gift of God. God has reason to claim the credit, not we. For us it is becoming to make use of His gifts with thanksgiving and in the fear of God. He will not suffer us to be proud, presumptuous and boastful.

But whilst God forbids all pride on account of piety and other gifts, He does not, at the same time, want us to despair on account of our sinfulness. He rather wants us, in this case, to trust in His mercy and to say: Though I am not as plentifully supplied as others, yet their God is my God and He has promised to be merciful to me also. Hence I will be contented and be faithful in my office or vocation, according to the gifts which He has bestowed; I will despise no one, nor exalt myself, neither will I feel slighted if others are favored more than I. I am well satisfied that the God of others is my God also, who is always the same, notwithstanding the difference in men. (Luther’s House Postil, Sermon for the Eleventh Sunday after Trinity, Volume 3, p. 762-763)

Posted in 2023 Doctrine & Practice.

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