NEXT BIBLE STUDY on Exodus 21-24 - February 23, 2025 at 9:00 AM
Overhead 1: The-Trips-up-the-Mountain.pdf
Overhead 2:
SHOWCASE: Children's Genesis Study - 2022 and 2023
SHOWCASE: Adult Genesis Study - 2021 & 2022
In this lesson, we see that the divine attributes of Christ were communicated to His human nature so that it was enriched. This happened at the incarnation. Jesus is not simply a man who was endowed with super abilities from time to time. According to Colosssians 2:9, “In Him dwells all the fullness of the […]
In this lesson, we begin to fill in page 3 of the Communication of Attributes sheet. The left column lists a Scripture passage which presents an attribute of the divine nature of Christ, while the right column gives an attribute of the human nature of Christ. How do we speak about these attributes which both […]
Once a year, I explain the order of the Divine Service which is used in the Lutheran Church. According to the Book of Concord, “1] Falsely are our churches accused of abolishing the Mass; for the Mass is retained among 2] us, and celebrated with the highest reverence. Nearly all the usual ceremonies are also preserved, […]
After a brief overview of the personal union of Christ and the communication of attributes, this study began with a test which asked the person to determine which genus applied to specific Bible passages on the handout. Although some Bible passages clearly demonstrated only one genus, more often than not, two or even three applied. […]
The Christ, our promised Redeemer, has both a divine nature and a human nature united in one person. This union of two natures in the one Christ is called the personal union. We must speak in a way so that the difference between the natures is maintained, but we must not divide the personal union […]
This study continues with the testimonies to Christ’s Divine nature by looking at the Scriptural accounts which speak of Jesus as “the Son of God” and describe Him as “(only) begotten.” The heavenly Father bears witness that Jesus is His Son in Psalm 2:7 and in the words of our baptism(Mt 28:19). When Jesus’ enemies […]
This first document is a summary of all the documents, audio files, etc. Our State of Confession Against Six Points The Six Points (Post 2004 Convention) The following are in timeline Order: SID Phoenix Committee at Rend Lake, IL (January 28-29, 2003) Phoenix Committee at Rend Lake Jan 28 2003 LCMS 2004 Convention 2004_lcms_convention_report Four […]
The Norwegian Narrative The above paper was presented in 2014 as an evaluation of H. A. Preus’ Doctrine of Objective Justification. ————- The first video (On November 9, 2014) in the Refuting Objective Justification Series. This is the PDF of the overheads and handouts for the class: Documents for Class 1 Nov 9 2014p […]
In this study, St. John (1:1-3) uses “Word” (Logos) to describe the Second Person of the Trinity. The Word describes the Christ before creation, and thus, it is a reference to His divine nature. It is not until verse 14, that we hear of Christ’s incarnation saying “the Word became flesh.” Continually, we are forced […]
The world-wide flood and the saving of Noah and his family in an ark is an historical event (Gen 6-9). The Lord was grieved at the general wickedness of man. This widespread corruption is seen in the actions of Cain’s descendants (Gen. 4:17-24). In contrast, the descendants of Seth (Gen 4:25-5:32) give us a description […]