Book of Concord Bible Class #11: Summary of Articles 1-21

This Bible study examines the summary of the doctrines in articles 1-21.

Quiz #11 (grey sheet): Quiz-11-for-Dec-1-Augsburg-Confession-Art-21-and-Summary.pdf
Handout 1: Handout-Articles-of-the-Augsburg-Confession-Overview-Nov-3.pdf
Overhead 1: AC-articles-18-21.pdf
Overhead 2 (Jacob’s review of accept and reject):  Augsburg-and-Confutation-b.pdf
Overhead 3 (Roman Confutation from “Sources and Contexts”):  Confutation-Art-4-to-6.pdf

Note:  I apologize for the organ playing covering up the Bible class dialog for the last 16 minutes.  Once again, I forgot to turn off the upstairs congregational microphone during Bible class.

Posted in Bible Study, Book of Concord.