Divine Service for Trinity Fifteen – September 20, 2020

Service Bulletin:  Trinity-Fifteen-Divine-Service-for-Online-9-20-2020.pdf
Printed Sermon:  SRM1937-Preaching-from-the-Birds.pdf

0:00  Hymn “When All Your Mercies, O My God” LW 196, TLH 31
1:40   Service Begins
7:55 Readings:  1 Kings 17:8-16, Galatians 5:25-6:10, St. Matthew 6:24-34
14:30 Nicene Creed
16:00  Hymn “What God Ordains Is Always Good” LW 422, TLH 521
20:00  Sermon “Preaching From the Birds” St. Matthew 6:26 (length 14:40 minutes)
34:45  “Create in Me…” LW p.143
35:35  The Prayer of the Church
40:50  Communion Liturgy
49:15 Communion Hymns:
“Sun of My Soul, O Savior Dear” LW 488, TLH 551
“O God, O Lord of Heaven and Earth” LW 319
0.58:30  Service ends

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL)
This post is the audio, if you want the video CLICK HERE –>  Vimeo Video for Trinity Fifteen
Note: The Bible class was also recorded and will be available at trinityh.org.

Divine Service for Trinity Fourteen – September 13, 2020

Service Bulletin:  Trinity-Fourteen-Divine-Service-for-Online-9-13-2020b.pdf
Printed Sermon:  SRM1933-Faith-and-Love.pdf

0:00  Hymn “From God Can Nothing Move Me” LW 409, TLH 393
4:20   Service Begins
10:45 Readings:  Proverbs 4:10-23, Galatians 5:16-24, St. Luke 17:11-19
16:20 Nicene Creed
18:00  Hymn “Now Thank We All Our God” LW 443, TLH 36
20:40  Sermon “Faith and Love” St. Luke 17:11 (length 15:30 minutes)
36:10  “Create in Me…” LW p.143
37:10  The Prayer of the Church
42:50  Communion Liturgy
51:10 Communion Hymns:
“Blest the Children of Our God” LW 370, TLH 391
“I Come, O Savior, to Your Table” LW 242, TLH 315
“God Brought Me to This Time and Place” LW 456
1.03:10  Service ends

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL)
This post is the audio, if you want the video CLICK HERE –>  Vimeo Video for Trinity Fourteen
Note: The Bible class was also recorded and will be available at trinityh.org.

Divine Service for Trinity Thirteen – September 6, 2020

Service Bulletin:  Trinity-Thirteen-Divine-Service-for-Online-9-6-2020.pdf
Printed Sermon:  SRM1932-Liturgy-Commentary.pdf

Throughout this Service there are 7 commentaries explaining the liturgy
0:00   Service Begins
2:00  Hymn “O Day of Rest and Gladness” LW 203, TLH 9
6:15 Readings:  Hosea 6:1-6, Galatians 3:15-22, St. Luke 10:23-37
11:15 Nicene Creed
13:00  Hymn “Jesus, Your Boundless Love So True” LW 280, TLH 349
19:15  Sermon “Jesus Fulfills the Law” St. Luke 10:24 (length 16:15 minutes)
35:45  “Create in Me…” LW p.143
36:50  The Prayer of the Church
42:20  Communion Liturgy
50:45 Communion Hymns:
“Chief of Sinners Though I Be” LW 285, TLH 342
“I Come, O Savior, to Your Table” LW 242, TLH 315
1.03:15  Service ends

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL)
This post is the audio, if you want the video CLICK HERE –>  Vimeo Video for Trinity Thirteen
Note: The Bible class was also recorded and will be available at trinityh.org.

Divine Service for Trinity Twelve – August 30, 2020

Service Bulletin:  Trinity-Twelve-Divine-Service-for-Online-8-30-2020.pdf
Printed Sermon:  SRM1931-Ear-and-Tongue.pdf

0:00   Service Begins
6:15 Readings:  Isaiah 29:17-24, 2 Corinthians 3:4-11, St. Mark 7:31-37
11:15 Nicene Creed
13:00  Hymn “My Soul, Now Praise Your Maker” LW 453, TLH 34
19:15  Sermon “Ear and Tongue” St. Mark 7:34 (length 16:15 minutes)
35:45  “Create in Me…” LW p.143
36:50  The Prayer of the Church
42:20  Communion Liturgy
50:45 Communion Hymns:
“I Come, O Savior, to Your Table” LW 242, TLH 315
“By Grace I’m Saved” LW 351, TLH 373
1.03:15  Service ends

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL)
This post is the audio, if you want the video CLICK HERE –> Vimeo Video for Trinity Twelve
Note: The Bible class was also recorded and will be available at trinityh.org.

Title: Divine Service for Trinity Eleven – August 23, 2020

Service Bulletin:  Trinity-Eleven-Divine-Service-for-Online-8-23-2020.pdf
Printed Sermon:  SRM1930-Not-all-Sinners-are-the-Same.pdf

0:00  Hymn “This Is the Day the Lord Has Made” LW 200, TLH 10
2:20   Service Begins
8:45 Readings:  Genesis 4:1-15, 1 Corinthians 15:1-10, Luke 18:9-14
15:15 Nicene Creed
16:55  Hymn “As Surely As I Live, God Said” LW 235, TLH 331
20:00  Sermon “Not All Sinners are the Same” St. Luke 18:14 (length 18:00 minutes)
38:00  “Create in Me…” LW p.143
39:05  The Prayer of the Church
45:15  Communion Liturgy
54:00 Communion Hymns:
“The Savior Calls; Let Every Ear” LW 350, TLH 281
“I Come, O Savior, to Your Table” LW 242, TLH 315
“Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Savior” LW 236, TLH 311
1.04:20  Service ends

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL)
This post is the audio, if you want the video CLICK HERE –>  Vimeo Video for Trinity Eleven
Note: The Bible class was also recorded and will be available at trinityh.org.

Divine Service for Trinity Ten – August 16, 2020

Service Bulletin: Trinity-Ten-Divine-Service-for-Online-8-16-2020.pdf
Printed Sermon:  SRM1929-Weeping-Anger-and-Love.pdf

0:00  Hymn “For Many Years, O God of Grace” LW 325, TLH 639
3:40   Service Begins
10:00 Readings:  2 Samuel 22:26-34, 1 Corinthians 10:6-13, Luke 16:1-13
16:00 Nicene Creed
17:40  Hymn “For Jerusalem You’re Weeping” LW 390
20:50  Sermon “Weeping, Anger, and Love” St. Luke 19:45 (length 11:40 minutes)
32:30  “Create in Me…” LW p.143
33:25  The Prayer of the Church
39:05  Communion Liturgy
47:35 Communion Hymns:
“I Come, O Savior, to Your Table” LW 242, TLH 315
“The Clouds of Judgment Gather” LW 463
“Our Father, Who from Heaven Above” LW 431, TLH 458
1.02:30  Service ends

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL)
This post is the audio, if you want the video CLICK HERE –> Vimeo Video for Trinity Ten
Note: The Bible class was also recorded and will be available at trinityh.org.

Divine Service for Trinity Nine – August 9, 2020

Service Bulletin:  Trinity-Ninth-Divine-Service-for-Online-8-9-2020.pdf
Printed Sermon:  SRM1928-Faith-is-Active.pdf

0:00  Hymn “Dearest Jesus, At Your Word” LW 202, TLH 300
3:00   Service Begins
9:10 Readings:  2 Samuel 22:26-34, 1 Corinthians 10:6-13, Luke 16:1-13
15:15 Nicene Creed
16:50  Hymn “What Is the World to Me” LW 418, TLH 430
19:50  Sermon “Faith Is Active” St. Matthew 10:8 (length 16:00 minutes)
35:50  “Create in Me…” LW p.143
36:45  The Prayer of the Church
42:55  Communion Liturgy
51:15 Communion Hymns:
“Jesus, Still Lead On” LW 386, TLH 410
“Oh, that the Lord Would Guide My Ways” LW 392, TLH 416
“I Come, O Savior, to Your Table” LW 242, TLH 315
“One Thing’s Needful” LW 277, TLH 366
1.01:30  Service ends

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL)
This post is the audio, if you want the video CLICK HERE –>  Vimeo Video for Trinity Nine
Note: The Bible class was also recorded and will be available at trinityh.org.

Divine Service for Trinity Eight – August 2, 2020

Service Bulletin:  Trinity-Eight-Divine-Service-for-Online-8-2-2020.pdf
Printed Sermon:  SRM1927-Testing-His-Thankful-People.pdf

0:00  Hymn “Baptized into Your Name Most Holy” LW 224, TLH 298
2:55   Service Begins
9:00 Readings:  Jeremiah 23:16-29, Acts 20:27-38, Matthew 7:15-23
14:45 Nicene Creed
16:20  Hymn “For Me to Live Is Jesus” LW 267, TLH 597
18:20  Sermon “Testing His Thankful People” St. Matthew 7:15 (length 18:10 minutes)
36:30  “Create in Me…” LW p.143
37:25  The Prayer of the Church
43:00  Communion Liturgy
51:20 Communion Hymns:
“Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word” LW 334, TLH 261
“In God, My Faithful God” LW 421, TLH 526
“Savior, Again to Your Dear Name” LW 221, TLH 47
1.03:50  Service ends

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL)
This post is the audio, if you want the video CLICK HERE –>  Vimeo Video for Trinity Eight
Note: The Bible class was also recorded and will be available at trinityh.org.

Divine Service for Trinity Seven – July 26, 2020

Service Bulletin:  Trinity-Seven-Divine-Service-for-Online-7-26-2020.pdf
Printed Sermon:  SRM1926-Faith-is-Necessary.pdf

0:00  Hymn “Baptized into Your Name Most Holy” LW 224, TLH 298
3:00   Service Begins
9:05 Readings:  Genesis 2:7-17, Romans 6:19-23, Mark 8:1-9
14:05 Nicene Creed
15:45  Hymn “Lord Jesus Christ, Life-Giving Breath” LW 248, TLH 312
19:25  Sermon “Faith Is Necessary” St. Mark 8:8 (length 17:30 minutes)
36:55  “Create in Me…” LW p.143
37:45  The Prayer of the Church
43:15  Communion Liturgy
51:45 Communion Hymns:
“Feed Your Children, God Most Holy” LW 468, TLH 659
“All Depends On Our Possessing” LW 415, TLH 425
“Sing Praise to God, the Highest Good” LW 452
1:02.25 “Guide Me Ever, Great Redeemer” LW 220, TLH 54
1.04:40  Service ends

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL)
This post is the audio, if you want the video CLICK HERE –>  Vimeo Video for Trinity Seven
Note: The Bible class was also recorded and will be available at trinityh.org.

Divine Service for Trinity Six – July 19, 2020

Service Bulletin:  Trinity-Six-Divine-Service-for-Online-7-19-2020.pdf

0:00  Hymn “When Morning Gilds the Skies”  LW 460
3:20   Service Begins
10:05 Readings:  1 Kings 19:11-21, 1 Peter 3:8-15, St. Luke 5:1-11
17:50 Nicene Creed
19:10  Hymn “All Mankind Fell in Adam’s Fall” LW 363, TLH 369
22:20  Sermon “The Father’s Plan” Romans 6:5 (length 17:00 minutes)
39:20  “Create in Me…” LW p.143
40:10  The Prayer of the Church
46:15  Communion Liturgy
54:20 Communion Hymns:
“Here is the Tenfold Sure Command” LW 331, TLH 287 (different tune)
“I Lay My Sins on Jesus” LW 366, TLH 652
“Baptized into Your Name Most Holy” LW 224, TLH 298
1.07:10  Service ends

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL)
This post is the audio, if you want the video CLICK HERE –>  Vimeo Video for Trinity Six
Note: The Bible class was also recorded and will be available at trinityh.org.