NEXT Live Stream: Divine Service on Sexagesima Sunday, February 23, 2025 at 10:15 AM
Service Bulletin:
I UPDATED THIS VIDEO TO NORMALIZE THE AUDIO. –11 pm 4/10/20 Service Bulletin 1: Good-Friday-Vespers-for-Online-4-10-2020.pdf Printed Sermon: SRM1907-The-Deeply-Despised-Shall-Be-Highly-Exalted.pdf 0.00 Hymn LW #113 “O Sacred Head Now Wounded” 4:50 Order of Vespers, p.224 5:40 Psalm 22 13:45 Readings: Isaiah 52:13-53:12, 2 Corinthians 5:14-21, St. John 18:1-19:42 33:10 Responsory for Lent, p.226-227 34:15 Hymn LW #117 “Sing, My Tongue” […]
Service Bulletin: Maundy-Thursday-Matins-for-Online-4-9-2020.pdf Printed Sermon: SRM1906-The-Old-Has-Gone-the-New-Has-Come.pdf 0:00 Hymn LW #106 “Hosanna, Loud Hosanna” 2:05 Order of Vespers, p.224 3:00 Psalm 51 8:05 Readings: Exodus 12:1-14, 1 Corinthians 11:23-32, John 13:1-15 14:40 Responsory for Lent, p.226-227 15:45 Hymn #100 “On My Heart Imprint Your Image” 16:35 Sermon “The Old has Gone, the New has Come” 1 Corinthians 11:25 […]
Service Bulletin 1: Palmarum-Matins-for-Online-4-5-2020.pdf Printed Sermon: SRM1904-His-Humility-and-Patience.pdf 0.00 Hymn LW #106 “Hosanna, Loud Hosanna” 2:15 Order of Matins, p.208 3:10 Venite with Invitatory, p.209 5:20 Hymn LW #103 “The Royal Banners Forward Go” 7:45 Psalm 73 14:30 Readings: Zechariah 9:9-12, Philippians 2:5-11, Matthew 26-27 37:15 Responsory for Lent, p.212 38:30 Sermon “His Humility and Patience” Mt 26:42 […]
Invocation Psalm 43 (chanted) Text: Psalm 43 and Hebrews 9.pdf Reading: Hebrews 9:11-15 “Jesus Your Blood and Righteousness” (LW 362, TLH 371) Sermon Title: “Eternal” Text: SRM1903-Eternal.pdf Apostles’ Creed Lord’s Prayer “In Time of Pestilence” (The Lutheran Liturgy, p.301) Text: Prayers-from-The-Lutheran-Liturgy.pdf “During Unemployment” (The Lutheran Liturgy, p.303) Blessing “Lord Jesus Christ, My Life, My Light” […]
Due to the restrictions imposed by the spread of the coronavirus, this Matins service was held early in the hopes of recording it and making it available to those who are not able to attend church on Sunday, March 29, 2020. Service Bulletin 1: Judica-Matins-for-Online-3-29-2020.pdf Printed Sermon: SRM1902-Keep-the-Word.pdf 0.00 Hymn LW #362 “Jesus, Your Blood and Righteousness” […]
Invocation Psalm 122 (chanted) Reading: Galatians 4:21-31 Sermon Title: “The House of the Lord” Text: SRM1901-The-House-of-the-Lord.pdf “Prayer for the Afflicted and Those Suffering Hardship” Johann Gerhard, chapter VII, “The Daily Exercise of Piety” (1629) Blessing Total time = 14:27 min –Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL) This post is the […]
Due to the restrictions imposed by the spread of the coronavirus, this Divine Service was held early in the hopes of recording it and making it available to those who are not able to attend church on Sunday, March 22, 2020. Service Bulletin 1: Laetare-Cover-3-22-2020b-color-bulletin.pdf Service Bulletin 2: Laetare-Insert-3-22-2020b-color-bulletin.pdf Printed Sermon: Sermon-He-Cares-For-You.pdf 0:00 “How Precious is the Book […]
Sermon on Thanksgiving Day (November 28, 2019) The sermon text is Psalm 100 and the title is “Godly Contentment.” Picture from St. Paul’s Lutheran Church of Des Peres. This sermon wasn’t delivered there. I visited there for an American Kantorei concert on November 17, 2019 and heard four Bach cantatas, one of which was […]
Sermon on Reformation Day (October 31, 2019) The sermon text is St. Matthew 11:12-15 and the title is “The Kingdom Breaks Out.” Podcast (sermon): Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS
Holy Monday Sermon for April 15, 2019 entitled “Subsequent Will of God” based on John 12:39-40. Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS