46A Creation: It’s as if the devil has said,

“You Christians can go on teaching kids about the miracles Jesus did in the New Testament.  You can teach them about the babe in a manger, and the Resurrection.  You can teach them about Jesus healing blind people and raising dead.  Teach them about the feeding of the 5,000, about the Israelites crossing the Red Sea, about Jonah being in the great fish for three days.  Go ahead. Teach them these stories.  And while you are doing that, I’m going to be indoctrinating those same kids not to believe the Book.  I’m going to use the fake news of evolution and millions of years to brainwash them into believing science has effectively disproved the Bible, making it nothing more than an outdate obsolete book of ‘stories.’  And sine you won’t be teaching apologetics, I will teach my own apologetics through the education systems, media and the Internet to make sure they doubt God’s Word.  The more this happens, most won’t even listen to your message of the Gospel” (Gospel Reset by Ken Ham, p.107).

Posted in 2019 Creation.