NEXT BIBLE STUDY on Exodus 21-24 - February 23, 2025 at 9:00 AM
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SHOWCASE: Children's Genesis Study - 2022 and 2023
SHOWCASE: Adult Genesis Study - 2021 & 2022
Jesus, the God-man, is our high priest! He made the one and only propitiatory sacrifice to merit the forgiveness of sins before God. The Levitical priesthood and sacrifices have ceased. “Accordingly the New Testament, since Levitical services have been abrogated, teaches that new and pure sacrifices will be made, namely, faith, prayer, thanksgiving, confession, and […]
The Lord’s Supper is a sign of God’s will toward man that He is gracious and desires to save us. In the Lord’s Supper, the Lord is giving out His gifts of Christ’s Body and Blood for the forgiveness of sins. “And just as the Word has been given in order to excite faith, so […]
After a brief review, we show how God has been teaching the same thing in the Old Testament and the New Testament. Jesus Christ is the one propitiatory sacrifice which merits forgiveness. God is giving out that forgiveness through the promise of His Word to be received by faith. Second, we apply the terms sacrament or […]
In the Old Testament, the Triune God directed and provided for a Levitical priesthood and a sacrificial system for the Israelites. He included a faith-creating promise with these sacrifices. Thus, God’s Old Testament provisions are to be considered sacraments. The Apology to the Augsburg Confession, XXIV, 53, “…the Levitical priesthood was an image of the […]
In the Old Testament, God demanded sacrifices to make atonement for sins(Lev 17:11). However, in the New Testament it says, “…For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins” (Hebrews 10:1-4). In order to figure out this conundrum, we first make a distinction between those ceremonies/sacred works which […]
Our High Priest Jesus Christ “continues forever” (Heb 7:24). Through both His human and divine natures conjointly, He continues as our High Priest in His state of exaltation(Rom 8:34). Though the atonement is completed “once for all” (Heb 9:12), His priestly work of intercession continues. “He always lives to make intercession for them” (Heb 7:25). Through […]
This study begins to examine the execution of Christ’s work as High Priest. Everything which the Savior did and still does to save sinful mankind (His official acts) may not be ascribed to either of His natures exclusively, but must be ascribed to both natures conjointly (The Apotelesmaticum Genus). Appointed by the heavenly Father(Heb 5:5-6), […]
This audio concludes the study of Christ’s work as the promised Prophet for us. As we have seen in the Holy Scriptures, we have no right to ascribe to the Son of God after His incarnation, any activity outside His flesh. Now that Jesus has risen from the dead and ascended to heaven, he continues […]
Everything which the Savior did and still does to save sinful mankind (His official acts) may not be ascribed to either of His natures exclusively, but must be ascribed to both natures conjointly (The Apotelesmaticum Genus). This study examines the execution of Christ’s work as the promised Prophet for us. When the Scriptures speak of […]
The Scriptures speak of at least three modes of Christ’s presence: illocal, local, and supernatural. This study continues to explain the second genus in which Christ’s divine attributes were communicated to His human nature so that it was enriched. Formula of Concord, Solid Declaration, VII: 4. The fourth, that God has and knows of many modes […]