Divine Service The Epiphany of Our Lord – January 6, 2023

Service of Light, LW p.250-255  Lutheran Worship
Psalm 72 (insert) and Isaiah 49:1-7
Hymn “Hail to the Lord’s Annointed”  (LW 82, TLH 59)
Divine Service begins with Introit, then Kyrie p.137
Readings: Isaiah 60:1-6, Mt 2:1-12
Hymn “Now Sing We, Now Rejoice” (The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal #9, LW 47, TLH 92)
Communion Hymn: “Draw Near and Take the Body of the Lord” LW 240, TLH 307
“O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright” LW 73
Closing Hymn: “O Jesus King of Glory” LW #79

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).
Service Bulletin:  Epiphany-Divine-Service-for-Online-1-6-2023.pdf

Picture: The Luther Bible 1534:  Joshua 3: Carry the Ark of the Covenant through the Red Sea, p.2.

Posted in Divine Service, Sermon, Services.