Divine Service Rogate – May 14, 2023

Order of Divine Service I, p.136  Lutheran Worship
Hymn “Jehovah, Let Me Now Adore You” LW #446, TLH #21
Readings:  Jeremiah 29:11-14, James 1:22-27, St. John 16:23-33
Hymn of the Day: “Our Father, Thou in Heaven Above” (The Augustana Service Book and Hymnal #34, LW 431, TLH 458)
Communion Hymns: “O God, My Faithful God” LW 371, TLH 395
“O Living Bread from Heaven” LW 244, TLH 316
“Come, My Soul, with Every Care” LW 433, TLH 459
Closing Hymn “How Blest Are They Who Hear God’s Word” LW 222, TLH 48

–Michael D. Henson, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Herrin, IL).
Service Bulletin: Rogate-Divine-Service-for-Online-5-14-2023.pdf

Picture:  The Luther Bible 1534: 2 Kings 7 – Syrians Flee2, #508

Posted in Divine Service, Sermon, Services.