Morning Prayer for Wednesday

163. Sing unto the Lord a new song. Sing unto the Lord, O earth! Sing forth the honor of His Name.

Let day proclaim unto day the salvation of our God. O come, let us sing unto the Lord our God a new song. May He bless and preserve me,—The Father, Who created me, The Son, Who redeemed me, The Holy Ghost, Who sanctified me. Amen.

God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, blessed and most holy Trinity, abide with me this day and at all times. Let me now, together with all the elect of God, arise unto one faith and one confession thereof in like confidence and hope of God. Let me arise from all my sin and sorrow to the grace and comfort of God and unto eternal life in Jesus Christ. Amen. (Seed-Grains of Prayer: A Manual for Evangelical Christians by William Loehe, Wartburg Publishing House, 1914, Pages 287-288)

Posted in 2020 Prayers.