26A Creation: Greeks Teaching Greeks

“Most students attend public (state-run) schools where teachers and their textbooks teach apologetics to defend evolution, millions of years, and naturalism (atheism). By and large, at many churches these students are taught what are called Bible ‘stories,’ instead of teaching them the Bible as factual history. But at public (state) school (and sadly many so-called Christian/church schools), they hear something like this: ‘Here are the reasons the Bible’s account in Genesis is not true. Here is the evidence for evolution. This is the evidence for millions of years” (Gospel Reset by Ken Ham, p.71).

Consummation: The Fulfillment of God’s Word.
In the consummation, God will create a new heaven and a new earth. He will destroy death and cast out the disobedient and dwell eternally with those who trust in Him.
“Death and hell were cast into the lake of fire…and I saw a new heaven and a new earth” Revelation 20:14, 21:1.

Posted in 2019 Creation.