Bible Studies

NEXT BIBLE STUDY on July 21, 2024 at 9:00 AM
No Live Stream on July 14, 2024.
Handout 1:

Theology Summary Bible Study Pt. 14: The Human Nature and the Personal Union

By luther | September 17, 2018 | Comments Off on Theology Summary Bible Study Pt. 14: The Human Nature and the Personal Union

This study continues with the testimonies to Christ’s Divine nature by looking at the Scriptural accounts which speak of Jesus as “the Son of God” and describe Him as “(only) begotten.”   The heavenly Father bears witness that Jesus is His Son in Psalm 2:7 and in the words of our baptism(Mt 28:19).  When Jesus’ enemies […]

State of Confession

By luther | September 4, 2018 | Comments Off on State of Confession

This first document is a summary of all the documents, audio files, etc. Our State of Confession Against Six Points The Six Points (Post 2004 Convention) The following are in timeline Order: SID Phoenix Committee at Rend Lake, IL (January 28-29, 2003) Phoenix Committee at Rend Lake Jan 28 2003 LCMS 2004 Convention 2004_lcms_convention_report Four […]

Refuting Objective Justification

By luther | September 4, 2018 | Comments Off on Refuting Objective Justification

The Norwegian Narrative The above paper was presented in 2014 as an evaluation of H. A. Preus’ Doctrine of Objective Justification. ————- The first video (On November 9, 2014) in the Refuting Objective Justification Series. This is the PDF of the overheads and handouts for the class:  Documents for Class 1 Nov 9 2014p […]

Theology Summary Bible Study, Pt. 13: The Divine Christ

By mdhauz | August 19, 2018 | Comments Off on Theology Summary Bible Study, Pt. 13: The Divine Christ

In this study, St. John (1:1-3) uses “Word” (Logos) to describe the Second Person of the Trinity. The Word describes the Christ before creation, and thus, it is a reference to His divine nature. It is not until verse 14, that we hear of Christ’s incarnation saying “the Word became flesh.” Continually, we are forced […]

The Flood Bible Study

By mdhauz | August 14, 2018 | Comments Off on The Flood Bible Study

The world-wide flood and the saving of Noah and his family in an ark is an historical event (Gen 6-9).  The Lord was grieved at the general wickedness of man.  This widespread corruption  is seen in the actions of Cain’s descendants (Gen. 4:17-24).  In contrast, the descendants of Seth (Gen 4:25-5:32) give us a description […]

Creation/Evolution Bible Study

By mdhauz | August 1, 2018 | Comments Off on Creation/Evolution Bible Study

The Bible is not a science book, nor is it designed with the purpose of presenting to us scientific principles, nevertheless, where the Bible speaks of creation it always tells the truth. The Triune God created the world in six normal days as described by Genesis, chapter one.  Both theistic evolution and atheistic evolution deny […]

Theology Summary Bible Class, Pt.12: Helpful Observations

By mdhauz | July 19, 2018 | Comments Off on Theology Summary Bible Class, Pt.12: Helpful Observations

Class #12:  This week we  examined a host of Bible passages which bear witness to our one God and three persons.  Applying the rules we learned concerning the internal and external works of  the Trinity, we went through some useful and helpful observations that can help us in clearly speaking about the Holy Trinity–so that […]

Theology Summary Bible Class, Pt. 11: The External Works of the Trinity

By luther | July 15, 2018 | Comments Off on Theology Summary Bible Class, Pt. 11: The External Works of the Trinity

Class #11:  Last week we learned that the external works of God are undivided.  “When God outside His essence works something among His creatures, then the three persons are together and work together, because there is one doer and maker.”  The corollary, which needs to be maintained, is: “For in the external works the three […]

Theology Summary Bible Class, Part 10: The Works of the Trinity

By mdhauz | July 10, 2018 | Comments Off on Theology Summary Bible Class, Part 10: The Works of the Trinity

Class #10:  How do we speak about the Triune God?  The Athanasian Creed correctly instructs us that we need to do it “not confounding the persons nor dividing the substance.”  In order to speak correctly, we must understand where the Holy Scriptures are speaking about the unity of God and where they are speaking about […]

Theology Summary Bible Class Pt.9: Face to Face

By mdhauz | July 7, 2018 | Comments Off on Theology Summary Bible Class Pt.9: Face to Face

Class #9:  We think that God is working, when we are victorious and everything is going our way.  When tragedy hits, we think that God has abandoned us. That kind of thinking  is dead wrong.  We learned from Jacob’s wrestling with God(Gen 32) and Manoah’s visit from God that we don’t recognize God. We don’t […]