Galatians Bible Study, Pt. 5 (Excursus on Divine Call)

Class #5 :  The divine call (see podcast parts 3 and 4) places a man into the office of the ministry.  The Lutheran Confessions refer to the office of the ministry in Augsburg Confession, Article 5.  Article 5 is not a generic functional view of the Gospel and the sacraments, but a concrete reference to the Pastoral Office.  Later on article 14 clearly teaches that only those with a regular call should publicly exercise the duties of the office of the ministry.

Those who license men (lay ministers or licensed lay deacons) to perform the duties of the office have a different theology from the Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions.  Just as St. Paul magnifies his office, so today’s pastors and people need the assurance that God has called a man into the office of the ministry and intends to use him to create and strengthen faith in Jesus Christ.

Overheads: Galatians Overheads for class 5
Includes web address for video(1:13 to 6:15) I showed to the class.
Augsburg Confession Quotes

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