Theology Summary Bible Class Pt. 16: Attributes and States

After a brief overview of the personal union of Christ and the communication of attributes, this study began with a test which asked the person to determine which genus applied to specific Bible passages on the handout.  Although some Bible passages clearly demonstrated only one genus, more often than not, two or even three applied.  This should not be surprising.

1 John 1:7 states, “The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanses us from all sin.”  This passage teaches from the first genus that the blood of the human nature is the blood of the person Jesus Christ, the Son of God.  According to the second genus, the blood of the Christ possesses the the divine power to cleanse from sins.  And, finally, according to the third genus. the one saving activity of the Christ includes both natures working together conjointly.

The last part of this study examined the state of Christ’s humiliation and the state of Christ’s exaltation according to Philippians 2:6-11.  In the state of humiliation, Jesus Christ did not always and fully make use of His divine attributes.  He allowed Himself to suffer and die to take away our sins.  In the state of exaltation, Jesus fully exercises His divine majesty.

Handout 1 :  Communication-of-Attributes-August-26-2018.pdf
Handout 2A:  Comm-of-Attributes-Application-WITHOUT-ANSWERS-b.pdf
Handout 2B:  Comm-of-Attributes-Application-PAGE-1-ANSWERS.pdf

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